Deep Tissue Massage incorporates elements of Swedish massage along with progressively increased deeper pressure strokes to release knotted muscles, fibrotic adhesions, and/or trigger points in order to bring about a profound sense of relaxation.

Is Deep Tissue Massage Therapy Right for Me?

Deep tissue massages are generally most effective for people looking to treat or manage a specific condition, while also achieving a greater state of relaxation. I often utilize this modality on individuals struggling with chronic pain, fibromyalgia, reduced mobility, injuries, and a wide variety of other issues. Deep tissue also may be integrated into your Relaxation Massage.

Deep tissue massage therapy offers many benefits:

  • Breaks up adhesions
  • Broadens and lengthens tight muscles
  • Promotes fluid movement in deeper tissues
  • Supports strengthening of weak muscles
  • Revitalizes dry skin by promoting blood and lymph circulation
  • And much more